The actress syndrome :D
So they will let this "fans" go around them, but do not let them to be their lover. They will ask their "fans" to do many things for them, sometimes even to buy all the expensive things for them. Yup poor "fans" :D
One of them, ever told me that she could not accept when one of her "fans", falling in love with other woman and then marry this woman. She said her "fans" actually cheated her.LOL And when I asked, how do you sure about it? She answered me : because she is sure 100 % that man (her fans) could not be able to fall in love to another woman. Uhm....
Sometimes I feel like they fool all their" fans". And from the bottom of my heart, I really do not comfortable to see this situation. I could not imagine how if I were in the position of the "fans"?
You know, there is many people in this world who want to do everything for the one that they love. And want to wait for them as long as they ask them to do. I think it is kind of cruel if you let someone that you could not love, to wait for you. Just reject them and let them to find another people who love them too. Let them to have their own happines
May be they would feel hurt one or two months after you reject them, but after that, they will feel all right again and begin their new life to find others. They will not waste their time for waiting for you or being fool by you.
Trust me, you still have many friends who loves you more if your reason because you just need love by people. And people still said that you are beauty even though you do not have many "fans" with you. Or if you still want to keep all your "fans", please ask your heart first ... do you want to be in their position? If your answer is NO, so don't keep them with you.
And if you are the position of "fans" someone, I just asked you to stop it. Try to forget people who do not love you. people who play with your heart. If they are really love you, they will not let you to wait them so long. They will not fool you, they will proud about you and will tell at least one of their friend that you are his/her lover. By hide you from the world, it is show that actually, they do not deserve the beautiful you.
So try to find some one who love you and respect you. If you do not find them yet, just be passion, and don't ever loose your faith. When the time is right, the mr right or miss right will come to you and color your life with their love. Because trust me, God loves you, He will not let you being lonely.
About Football and the Handsome Player
Why I like it? Because I think football like a mathematic and since I like mathematic, I must like football too :D Even though : sometimes you could not make 100 % prediction in football, everything could be happen at the match. That is the reason too, at the Champion, sometimes you could see that underdog team could be a winner (remember European Champion - when Greek be a winner?) or you could see the strong team, become a loser? (remember about Real Madrid which many expensive football players were there but still .... they could not be a winner)
And you can see how the different the style of football team from Latin America and from Europe. Latin America team, like Brasilian team, Mexico team, is ussually play hard, and not like Europe. They play football like a dancing, Smooth and beautiful. Especially if you see how they bring the ball with they foot. So beautiful. My English friend ever said "that is why we called the game : football and not soccer" LOL
Lately when I was back to Indonesia, I was so amazing when a few of my female friends like to watch a football. First I thougth because they really love to watch football, but the last I knew that is because many handsome players there. LOL That is the reason why they did not know the rule of the game, because actually they did not watch the game but watch the players hahahahhaaa.
And there is the phenomenon nowdays why many women love to watch football. Not watch football but watch the player. There is the reason why David Beckham is really famous for them, even though he could not play football. LOL
I did not think that is bad. At least many of my male friends are happy now because their girlfriend or wife even want to joint with them to watch football, and again not because they love to watch football but because they love to watch the player.
So if many men will discuss about how good the match after watch the game, many women will discuss about how handsome the player (about the hair cut, about the smile, about the gossip, about the status (with a hope that all the handsome one is always single)).
But for me - now I enjoy both - the match and their handsome face :D
Internet -the stranger-the relationship
Last month one of my friend, asked me about someone that I knew from facebook. Ok we call him Mr A. She asked me because when she saw at her facebook, she found that he and her have the same friend : Me. She asked me if I knew him beside facebook. And I said, I did not know who is Mr A exactly because he first asked me to be his friend at his facebook and because one of his friend is mine, so I accepted him as my friend. I and Mr A of course ever did chat a few times.
Then my friend told me that Mr A asked her to be his girlfriend. That is the reason why she wants to know him through me. As a friend, of course I just can tell her to be carefull, and I could not tell her more than that because I did not know him.
And the next day, Mr A suddenly was angry with me because of that. He said, why I told my friend that she should be carefull to him. He said that he is not a cheater. He is nice guy :D
One thing that I could explain to him that I always tell all woman who asked me about man from the internet "just be carefull"
I do not mean to be so rude, but I do not want if someone get cheat by someone through internet. If you google, you will meet many stories about scammer in internet and I though it must be not nice if you hear one of your friend get cheat by this scammer. Better if you already warn them first, so they can be more carefull for every step they make.
I did not say that I just made a worse person through internet, not at all. I met many beautiful friends too through the internet, who more care to me than my friend whom I met in the "real" world.
And I dd not against a relationship through internet. Not at all, because I have to admit that sometimes, you found many relationship through internet is ending with happiness.
But still, you should be carefull. You should follow your feeling, because sometimes, your feeling will lead you through the good way. If there is any slight doubt in your heart, it is better you re-think about it. But of course .... sometimes, if you falling in love with someone it is so hard to think clearly :D
About Twitter - @kharinadhewayan
Why do I like twitter?
Because through twitter I can follow everybody without ask their permission, vice versa. And it is more simple than Facebook, because you do not need to worry whether people do not like your status (because there is no like or dislike like at the Facebook) and of course you can give your comment about whom followed by you without feel afraid they will reject you - may be they just simple block you if they do not like it. But whose care. I got many information there and I got many funny things too. I learn about people who I thought arrogant before but in the fact he just has a different thinking and quiet person :D
Through Twitter, I can read what people think, what people do, where they are, what they eat etc. Especially if they are a famous people in this world, like I knew how Paris Hilton loves Bali or what Kim Kadarsian thought about her wedding preparation or about Indonesian actress who are so anggry to someone etc, all from them and not from the entertaiment or the gossip channel. LOL. Or I know about what my friends do at the moment or what they hate, where they are.
And as someone who always needs positive words in her life to make her life easier, of course I like to read all motivation from all the best motivator in this world through twitter
And as someone who like to read about her zodiac not because she believe it so much but because she hope all the forecast about the good things in her zodiac forecast will come true, of course I like to read what my zodiac said (but still - take the good one and through away the worse one. LOL)
And as someone who like to write what she thinks or what she feels about something, without feel afraid that someone judge her, twitter become one place to devote it.
The best thing, because my blackberry support this twitter - so twitter became my friend when I am alone. Read all people Twitter Line (TL), which is funny, sad, arrogant, polite, useful, useless etc. And all kill my time especially if I have to wait somebody (you know exactly that I hate waiting).
So - if you had a twitter account, you can follow me @kharinadhewayan and of course I will follow you back.
If you do not have ... just open one and follow your fav actrees, your fav actor, your friends, your enemies, your president (hi ... I follow Barrack Obama), your fav tv channel, your fav magazines and please don't forget to follow me :D
Let the life flow as it wants
As you know, I often wrote down in here, that I really want to marry and have my own family. And I thought you know that how hard I did try my best to achieve my goal. But still as you know, I am still alone until now. And I have to tell you the truth, all the idea about getting marry as soon as possible, make me feel a bit stress and it burden my life so much.
Last few months, I decided that I will let my life flow as it wants. Whatever will be will be. It did not mean that I give up but I think, I am trying to live my life. Especially I already give it to my God, and let Him to open the way for me to find someone who want to spent his life with me and let us then to be unity in the time which He thinks good for us. And I believe my Almighty know the best for me and if until now I still did not get what I want, maybe He thinks that I am not ready for that. So I just do not stop try to do my best and let every result which will come to me. I will not sad if the result is not good, because it means that is not for me. And I will not give up. I will not make myself under pressure just because I did not reach my goal.
It’s not because that got trauma. Not at all. I am open my heart for any chance that I will meet next one hours, next day next week, next month etc. And I know, because I am a human and not fortune teller, maybe one or two times I will meet the wrong way which direct me to the wrong person who made my heart get hurt. But if I let it flow like the water flow in the river, if something goes wrong, I can stand up fast.
So I will enjoy the time from meet someone, became close and closer and then if he is really someone whom perfect for me, and without any stress, with all the good will between us, that is the time that I get marry and settle my life.
And it means that I will not make everybody who is close with me get stress because have to think that if they close with me means that they have to marry me. I will not let them to be under pressure because of my idea about married especially because of this year I ever wrote in here that one of my goal this year is get marry. Hahahahaha
If they are really love me, may be one day they will think to make a family with me. If they really need me, they will ask me to be their wife.
At least through the idea to let everything in my life flow like the water in the river, I will not get stress if something goes not as I hope. I will not too sad if something do not run well. And it will make my life easier than before.
I always believe, that no one can stop if God will something. We even never know what will happen next minutes. Same like I believe everything is happen because a reason. So for all that happen to me now, it must be a reason. That is the reason I believe a miracle. Something that happen to us which is in people logic it could not be able to happen. Nothing is impossible for Him, right?
Do you agree with me?