Romantic - Drama is actually the kind of movie I like to see, but not all romantic - drama, only the romantic drama which is ending with happiness.
And why I like that kind of movie?
The answers are:
1. every time I watched a movie, it always came to my dream.
2. I think, if you just want to see the sadness, you do not need to see a movie. Just go outside and listen your friend or people around you.
3. I learn to feel and be a romantic.
Even though, my friends always said, I still did not look kind of romantic person at all after I saw ton of romantic movies. (PS My answer to them: if I did not see the romantic movie anymore, that is the time they will see, how romantic I am .....hahahhhahahaa)
But actually, I think I am the romantic person in this world.
I made a poem about love a lot lately, since uhm.... last year?
I wrote about love story in my imagination ...... not much....
I listen many love songs almost every day ..... like when I am writing down this .... I listen a song
" and I love you so, the people ask me how,
I tell them I don't know"
Yes, no one beside my side like you see.
Yes I am still single, like you knew.
But still ....there is someone who owner my heart actually,someone who always color my dream, and always at the first list of my pray.
Of course watching this kind of movie, somehow make my longing became bigger and bigger :-( But the positive side, my dream will be more colorful. Ehm....... hahahahahaha
Lately I saw the proposal ......
A movie about woman who propose a man just because for the legal residence status.
Even though I knew, it is not too popular like 2012 .... hahhahaaaaha
And Tuesday ....
I want to see New Moon .......
uhm........ I read all the 4th book from Stephanie Meyer .......
And could not wait until I get the romantic feeling when I see the movie ..........
And I bet you knew who will be the Bella and the handsome Edward Cullen at my dream after I see the movie ...... hahhahhahahaahaha
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