Do you know the funny about the creature name girl - woman?
They have many habit that unlogical, yes unlogical because it is hard to accept by the normal logical thinking :D
First when we were at our youngest time from 17 until more and less 24 years old, we always wanted to be looks older than our age. If people asked our age, we will add it one or two years more :D We acted like old woman not like a girl. We were so angry when people said that we were looks like children. We just wanted people looks us like wise woman and not like just a girl ....hahahhahhahaa
We used clothes that actually not for our age, we did not want answer any young boy greetings hahahahaha. How did we talk, how was our body languange sometimes wanted to show whole the world that we were not a girl !!!!!!!!
We were jealous to see all women in this world and really hope we get that title soon "w o m a n" and not girl anymore.
And than after we begin our 30 years and more ? All become opposite from before.
We are trying soooooooooooo hard to look young. We are laughing like the teenagers girls . We are trying to use clothes which show the whole world how young we are.
We are trying hard not to talk about our age (at least if we must answer the question, we are trying to reduce it ....hahahhahahahhaha)
We are trying to look not too wise ..... (cause wise somehow equal with old) ...hahhahhhaa
We are jealous to see all the young women in this world and trying to imagine if we were at their age. We hate if people call us with "madam"
Uh .........
And how about me?
Yup I am a woman and yup I get half (or more) of the kind of bad habits :-D
But at least I still brave enough to tell everybody about my age .... LOL
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