Last Friday night, my friends and I were going together after office hours. Actually not really office hours because it was already too late around 9.00 PM cause I still had a late meeting. So we decided to spend our Friday night as usual we always did before (one time per month) , we call it Ally mc Beal times (if you ever saw the tv series "Ally Mc Beal" - about lawyers who always spend their after office hours time at the Bar to hear live music. The tv series was famous around 1990 something - I forgot :))
But this time, one my friend, asked me to spend longer until early morning (oh ... I have to tell you that my friends knew each others longer than I knew them), so they asked me to joint them - kind of know them more :D
Of course because I had a time and still no one yet waiting home for me, I agree to joint with them. Why not. Right?
And the story begin. First they brought me to the place, one kind of bar which is has a disk jockey who was playing kind of house music and the place is too quite. I still could accept the music because it was not too "house music" which made your head burn . LOL
But because of too quite ... mean not to many people there, my friends asked me to move. I've felt a bit happy when they've decided that. And hope - they would change the music with something which you could sing a long and dance together.
Before we moved ... they brought me to one place which was far away - around center of Jakarta. I asked one of them, why they brought me there, and they laughed at me, thought that I was joking with them. Uhm....
One of my friend then has gone a few minutes and backed again to the car and then brought a few drugs with him and shared with my other friends include me. And when I refused it, they thought that I made a joke with them.
So I told them, not just a drug, I even never tried cigar before, I never smoked. And of course, because they are my friends, they could accept my reason even though they still not understand why I did not want to try it.
I did not say that I am kind of "holly" woman, but I think - drug is absolutely not my thing and I do not understand why I need something which is bad for my body. Not in my logical thinking. May be I am fool but what ever they said, I still did not want to try to use any drug beside medicine.
Then the awful one and my nightmare when after that they brought me to the Night Club which is full of drunk people and people who use drugs and kind of house music. It is so awful. I mean for our age, this kind of Night Club is not fit for us anymore. And I could not enjoy at all. I cant understand how can they enjoy the night if they are under drugs control. And why they did not feel afraid if suddenly police catch them. I did not understand. May be next time I have to ask them to see from their point of view, how they enjoy this kind of fool things :D
I just wanted to hear live music - the music which I could sing along with and dance with and laughing and talking with my friends. Not kind of "house music" - which I just could heard the loud music with a Disc Jockey (DJ), and surround by people who was under drug or alcohol control. So for me 5 minutes was enough to stay there and decided to say good bye to my friends and back home.
Of course my friends felt guilty, but what can I do, drugs and House Music are not my type. And I do not want to pretend them that I enjoy it. I do not care if they thought that I am not kind of "cool woman" because of that. It is ok. And I did not want to judge that what they did is wrong too. They are already mature enough, to decide what is right and what is wrong.
And it is still funny for me, because as my friend, they really thought that I am a kind of woman who still want to use drugs, hear kind of horror music (I mean "house music") and enjoy this kind of horror Night Club with that kind of horror people. LOL
But of course because they are my friends, I still love them as my friend as long as they never ask me to joint with them with that kind of horror night. LOL And I bet, they never did again.
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