My Tribute to Yeni Abdul Rahman Wahid

Yeni Abdul Rahman Wahid is the 2nd daughter of our former President. She is 34 years old, her face is average (not beautiful but also not ugly). She has a normal shape like a normal woman above thirty. She wears normal dress, never used any sexy clothes at all. She is not famous because of her bad habit but because she always stand beside her father of her mother. She is normal like others single women above 30. Never looks like use too much make up. Nothing so special about her beside the fact that she is the daughter of the former important person in my country :-)

But why today I have to make a tribute to her?

Because last Saturday, she was getting married with a handsome man (really really handsome), tall, member of Indonesia assembly, has a good education, well manner, 4 years younger than her (uh...... !!!!!!!!), and looks like he is so proud to stand beside her (love is really unpredictable).

Two thumbs up for her !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes of course. But not in bad meaning. Cause in fact:I am so happy for her wedding.
Just one big question .....
What should I do to have a lucky like her. Hahahhahahhahhahhahahhaaha.

But I think, it is the way God show me His Power. Nothing impossible for Him, is He wants. It will happen just the way He wants.

Show me in the middle of my anxious, in the middle of my fear, in the middle of my confuse ....
I will have what I want as long as I believe in Him.

Thank you Yeni. Wishing your new beginning life will be happily ever after till death do apart (amen).
And thank you God for all the love and passion You gave to me.

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